I've been meaning to do this but never quite get around to it. I'm going to put it here so I have a proper hard copy for future reference. At 15 months, Pearl can say the following words:
Dada (Dad)
Dog (doorg)
Duck, and quack, these are interchangeable and have the same meaning
Grandad (ghan-dah)
Grandma (ghan-mah, or an-mah)
Frank (ank, or rang)
Apple (Pah, bah or praah)
Banana (narn)
Up (UH! UH! UH! UH! UH! UHUHUH! etc)
Down (dah)
Shoes (Soo, or oos)
Yes - comes out as yeh, or sometimes yep.
Bath (bah)
Please (klees, or clhease)
Thanks (sanks)
Mickey (Kaka, this is also used for Minnie Mouse)
Sling (clhin)
Bread (rehd)
Milk (Gilkh)
Butter (bahr)
Flour / flower (Flaahr)
Toast (Toosh)
Cake (Cack! Cack!) (For rice cakes as well as proper cakes)
Sausages (Sssssoooooos)
Drink (glink)
Igglepiggle (guh)
Upsydaisy (day)
Crisps (clisp)
Phone (ohhhn/ohw)
Spoon (boon)
Fork (orc)
Hot (oht, or a noise made by breathing in quickly, like 'ooh ooh', so she knows it'd hurt)
Chocolate (cockluch)
Biscuit (isk, eeskee)
Fish (shhhhhh)
Words she's only said a few times but she's still said 'em:
Moomoo (her cousin's nickname)
Fiona (Nona)
Dylan (Deegh, or din)
Keke cat
If she sees food she likes, she'll say 'mmm nom nom!'.
She makes the noise of a the following animals if she sees them either in book, on tv, or as a toy:
cow (moo), pig (a very cute snorting noise), sheep (haah haah haaaah) (yes, literally that noise!), snake (sssss), cockerel (a very high pitched COCK!), dog (oof). Any sort of lion/tiger/dinosaur/monster all get the same 'roooooarghhghgghghggggggggrrrrrrr' sort of noise. She does a fab tractor noise too, its all brrrrrruuuuumgrrrrrrmmmmmhhhh and amazingly cute.
She can sign the following:
Nappy change
She tries out new words what feels like every minute of every day, I'm sure I've forgotten some for this list, but I needed to write it down before I forget. She's growing up so bloody fast!
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