Thursday, 12 November 2009


It's my birthday tomorrow. We're not doing anything in particular to celebrate, as far as I'm aware. Pearl has only started recently accepting any sort of evening routine (previously it was ever-changing in terms of time and structure - her choice, not ours). That routine culminates in laying down with me to go to sleep. I just don't feel it's fair at this point to try and force her to go to sleep for somebody else when she's not ready. If she hadn't been all super disrupted with sleep the past few weeks I probably would've considered trying it. Not at the moment tho.

It's not a special number birthday, it's only plain ol' 26. I'm not excited about it. I mean, I'm not one of those birthday hater types, but it is just another day really. I'm just gonna go about it like I would any other Friday, except for I know that Bobby has bought me an awesome present. I know what my present is and I spoiled it for myself, but I don't regret it because it's fucking rad! Plus it's only a day early, so whatever.

Basically, we're not exactly swimming in buckets of cash, like most people really. So for Bobby's birthday we decided that instead of spending money on a present that he would like, but not necessarily get lots of use from, he'd choose a new pair of boots. Practical and exciting, I know. But he was more than happy to do it (it was his idea in fact), and I did wonder whether we'd do the same thing for my birthday. However, Bobby said he wanted to get me a specific present, and it's not that I don't believe he'll get me great presents: he always does. I just didn't want to feel like we were being frivolous. This feels dumb to type so I'll cut to the chase. He got me Lips, that amazing XBox equivalent of Singstar. I love Karaoke, I love singing and this is actually my idea of heaven! He brought it home this evening and I wanted to test it out right away, but I've gotta wait till the morning because Pearl is asleep. I think she'll love it too because she already sings into the microphone on her toy piano, and music (as they say on Yo Gabba Gabba) is AWESOME!

So therefore, I am now excited about my birthday because I get to wake up and play Lips while I eat breakfast. Amaaaaaaazing!

Anyway. Time to go watch that Seth McFarlane almost live thingy, I'm half watching it while typing but it deserves my full attention because so far it's been hilarious. See you on the other side of my half century of life!


  1. I caught the end of that seth live thing, and we thoguht it was funny. SHabooby! Have a great Friday hun! I love Karioke so I am extremely jealous!! xxx

  2. I am commenting here because I didn't know where to write haha! Well I want to see the pizza tatton... just think, when you guys come out here we can let the girls play, the boys play XBox and we can bake and a gossip. And then get tattoos haha!
