1. I kinda just mostly forgot about making blog entries. Oops, sorry bout that. (Also means my google reader has hundreds of unread items, cack.)
2. Four teeth sprouting at once + very bad hayfever + growth spurt = a poorly, irritable and in pain Pearl. For weeks on end, with no end in sight. Which means at the end of the day all I want to do is pass out. It's been an effort just to sit on the sofa; the ironing pile is competing with Mount Everest; etc etc. I'm not happy about having to give Pearl Piriton multiple times a day, but she was really suffering and while it doesn't relieve her symptoms entirely, it helps enough to make it worthwhile.
3. Perhaps this is compounded by the aforementioned (Point 2), but I cannot remember what I did before we got our Boba carrier. Praise be to that wonderful, wonderful creation. We LOVE it.
4. Just to add to the general madness around here, Pearl is now nappy-free during the day. And most nights her night-time nappy is dry, and she just goes on the toilet when she gets up in the morning. I've had a few people ask how we did it, what made her learn so quickly... and I can honestly say I have no idea. I'm loving not having to wash nappies every other day. I love that it just happened so naturally, almost without me realising. One day I bought knickers for her, the next she was wearing them, and we haven't looked back since. In hindsight I think she may have been 'ready' for longer than I realised, but hey-ho we're on the same page now. I really didn't do anything specific. We've always cued her about when she was eliminating, and for a while she's been telling us when she was wee-ing or when she needed to poop. I don't know, I really don't. To be honest I think I'd got worried about "potty training" until it just happened. People seem to make such a big deal of it, like it's some big thing to tackle. We're probably just lucky with our Jamjam. I know that (like weaning, or walking, or talking) children reach milestones at different ages, and she just happened to reach hers a bit early. (She's been in knickers constantly for two weeks, and she'll be 2 at the end of July).
5. Peekatures:
On an old bus at Amberley Working Museum
Dippy eggs
My poor puffy-eyed misery guts
Looking all grown'd up on a toy tractor at Spring Barn Farm
Best boot fair buy of the year - 10p for a brand new pack of bath crayons! I love these colourful additions to our bathroom. (Yes, she is sitting fully clothed, playing in the bath in the middle of the day. I love my girly!)
6. I've had some really lovely evenings out lately, just at that sort of party where people try to sell you things, but it's been with wonderful company and it's making me not hate Worthing quite so much.
7. That's all, folks. Somehow in the midst of this hideously awful hayfever, I've also got myself a chest infection. Hellooooo additional wheezing, and a hoarse voice. Yesterday I sounded all husky and sexy, today it's almost completely gone. Boo, hiss, ouch.
5. Last one, I promise (and completely unrelated): Britain's Got Talent is such a pile of shite. Wish I could find the remote, or be bothered to get up off my arse and switch of the damn television. Also on my shit-list: fucking football. Don't even get me started.
I miss you terribly x