Thursday, 11 February 2010

Who needs actions when you've got...?

I'm having a very strange February so far. I would like a do-over, or to apply for a transfer to another month, or some sort of time machine to get me back to January, because January was probably the most awesome month of my life. I just didn't know it at the time. I don't think that there are enough words to explain it, or maybe there are too many words, and I'm worried that if I start typing I won't stop until my hands physically break.

I think maybe I will be able to talk about February once this month has finished. I'm pinning all my hopes on a super March. Springtime, new beginnings and all that.

Here's a musical interlude in the mean time. Listening to this song at every available opportunity at thte moment. 7 times on the drive to London today alone. Music is my saviour, as always.

(Excuse the strange youtube user video, dont know how else I can share this amazing version of this song with you though.)

In the mean time...

Peace out

1 comment:

  1. tell me about it, this month has been too full of oddness.
