Thursday, 1 October 2009

Actual heaven!

Thanks, mother-in-law, for this amazingly simple recipe.

8oz self-raising flour
6oz caster sugar
4oz butter
2 eggs
2 beautifully ripe bananas


Banana loaf heaven.

We've eaten pretty much the whole thing in just over 24 hours. Pearl helped me make it yesterday afternoon, and Bob just took a bite and said "What are the crunchy bits in it?"... hellooooooo egg shell, haha. This is what happens when you let a toddler help. She loved making cake though. She loves helping me with everything at the moment, and I'm more than happy to indulge her with this. Everything is new and exciting, even putting away the food shopping, and she loves being asked to do something specific, like carry the cutlery to the dining table for me, or help pull the washing out of the machine. She's very good at mixing and sorting and putting away and making piles and also at making every single chore about twice as long to do. But it is so nice to see her realise all these things that she is able to do! She gets so much satisfaction from doing what she sees me doing. And of course if her little hands are occupied pulling washing out of the machine, then there's less time for tipping boxes of cornflakes out onto the floor.


  1. woweeeeee ust found your blog! Yay! I should be updating mine soon but I am stuck with little internet as you know! xxxxx miss you ladies and bob x

  2. that sounds delicious. my husband was saying he'd like me to make banana loaf the other day.
